Our Development Appeal

One step at a time

We made great progress during 2023 and so far we have raised over  £230,00 in total.  We are really grateful to everyone who has donated to specific element or to the scheme as a whole.

Pews: We have achieved our first milestone by raising enough money to make the pews fully mobile and work is planned to take place during August to October 2024. More information here.

Conserving and Cleaning the Walls

We are hoping to raise £40,000 to conserve and clean our ancient walls.  This work is needed it’s not just cosmetic.

More information here.

General Donations

Our Development Appeal is to support the plans for the future of St Mary’s. We are seeking most of the money required for this programme from large sponsors.  But our own local fundraising is still important.  Through a combination of events and donations, it is hoped that local support will Please give generously.