Prayers for January 2023

Lord Jesus, during this Epiphany season, may your light guide us on our way in this New Year as it did the Wise Men, that we may be led into your presence and worship you.

We pray for…

Mondays –       

For all who live in Holmead Lane.

For the work of Tear Fund.

For the Brownies


Tuesdays   – 

For all who live in Keynsham Road Willsbridge.

For the work of the Church Mission Society


Wednesdays – 

For all who live in Kings Square.

For St. Peter’s Hospice.

For local shops.



For all who live in Beach.

For the work of the Bible Society.

For the work of the PCC.


Fridays   –  

For all who live in Beach Hill.

For Christian Aid.

For the Clergy.


Saturdays – 

For all who live in Redfield Hill.

For the Children’s Society.

For our Lay Ministers.