October 2022 Prayer Cycle

Prayers for October 2022

Lord of the Harvest, we give thanks for all the good gifts around us, help us to receive them gratefully, use them wisely, and share them unselfishly. 

 We pray also for….   


For all who live in Tayman Ridge

For the work of Tear Fund.

For the Treasurer and the finances of the Church.


For all who live in Church Road.

For the work of the Church Missionary Society.

For the work of the bell ringers.


For all who live in Church Lane.

For St. Peter’s Hospice.

For the music at St. Mary’s.


For all who live in Keynsham Road Willsbridge.

For the work of the Bible Society.

For all who participate in arranging flowers in the Church.


For all who live in Swineford.

For the work of Christian Aid.

For all who clean the Church


For all who live in Brewery Hill.

For the work of the Children’s Society.

For all who worship at St. Mary’s and live outside the Parish.

We pray for those around the world whose harvest is not so plentiful or has failed; and for those agencies that work to relieve their suffering.