November 2022 Prayer Cycle

Prayers for November 2022

During this month of remembrance we pray for peace in our world, for all national leaders that they may have the wisdom and courage to do what is right and to understand your justice and peace.

 We pray for our armed forces, particularly those in troubled parts of the world.

 And we pray for our community especially:


Mondays –   

For all who live in Mill Lane.

For the work of Tear Fund.

For the United Reformed Church.


Tuesdays   –  

For all who live in Lansdown Lane.

For the work of the Church Mission Society.



For all who live in Marshfield Lane.

For St. Peter’s Hospice.

For Local Businesses.



For all who live in Wick Lane.

For the work of the Bible Society.


 Fridays   –

For all who Worship at St Mary’s and live outside the Parish.

For the work of Christian Aid.


Saturdays –

For the work of the Children’s Society.

For all in our parish who are housebound, sick, bereaved, lonely or have a burden of caring.