Have a look at the labels in your clothes – not the washing instructions, but the country of origin.  It’s astonishing how interconnected our world has become.  Yes, a lot is made in China but, from pants to pullovers, from knickers to nighties, from t-shirts to trousers, most cupboards and wardrobes have garments from Africa, South America and the Middle East.

Often the clothes we wear are made by some of the world’s poorest people – our neighbours, who need our support.  Christian Aid gives practical help to people of all faiths and none, helping them to help themselves.

We’re holding a MEGA COFFEE MORNING at St Mary’s Church, Bitton on Saturday 18th May (10-12) to raise funds for Christian Aid and its work in countries like Burundi, one of the poorest in Africa.

Come and help make a difference – WANT TO KNOW MORE

Make a donation HERE