Wanted for St Mary’s Church Fête

Bitton’s Annual Church Fête   will be held this year on 2nd September, and preparations are well underway.

Donations are being sought now for the following:

Bookstall – Sarah Heavens:  0117 932 5376

White Elephant –   Nicola Bennetts:  0117 932 4696

Nearly Nu  (clothing) Annette Vowles:  0117 932 6352

Bottle Stall  –   Sarah Craddock: 0117 932 8644

Tombola –   a wide range of items would be welcome for the tombola including toiletries, games, sweets, chocolates , household items etc –  Alison Wride: 0117 932 4931

Items can be left in the church porch when the church is open (usually 10am to 5pm).  Please don’t leave them outside when the church is locked.