The Mikado – Bath Gilbert & Sullivan Society

This Saturday-

The award-winning Bath G&S returns to St Mary’s with a concert performance of one of, if not the most popular and humorous, Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. The Mikado boasts some of Sullivan’s most well-known tunes and Gilbert’s plot satirises Victorian British society, customs and pretentions with an army of larger than life characters. You’ll meet the Three Little Maids, a Wand’ring Minstrel, the Lord High Executioner, the Emperor himself and an elderly lady promised in marriage to the Mikado’s son who in turn is in love with one of the maids who is about to marry her guardian.  All the plot complications resolve themselves in true Gilbertian style and you’ll enjoy a really fun, musical, entertaining evening.

Tickets £10 from Jenny Harris 07970 325927 or email