The beautiful little church of St Anne’s Syston is part of our benefice of three churches. Since January, the bells of have been silent, due to a cracked number 4 bell. Had this bell been left unattended it was in danger of coming adrift from its mountings causing considerable damage to the tower structure. Thankfully regular inspections mean that this doesn’t happen.
When you hear the bells not only from our church in Bitton, but others including Syston and Warmley, you would not realise that the bells in themselves are of great historic importance. The age and inscriptions cast into the metal are often specific to the church. So it is sad that the number 4 bell has seen its life, and will be retired.
Originally cast in 1664, together with the number 5 bell, apart from world wars, and pandemic viruses, it has been rung regularly. Weighing about 600lbs (272Kgs) it will be relocated on the bell frame in the tower out of the way of the other bells and stored. The Keltek Trust, a charity that specialises in redistributing bells from around the world, have kindly donated a replacement bell.
On Saturday 16th September, they are holding a Cake and Coffee Morning to raise money for the repair. Please come along to find out more about the work and support the cause. You will also have an opportunity to chime one of the existing bells under the watchful eye of an experienced ringer.
If you are unable to join us but would still like to donate. Payments can be made to:
St Anne’s Syston Parochial Church Council
HSBC Bank. Sort no: 40-14-20. a/c no: 71446258 Ref: Bells