Photography Competition 2024 – Terms and Conditions of Entry

  1. The 2024 Photography Competition is open to all. There is no restriction on where you live or where the photograph was taken.
  2. The contest is open from 1st June 2024 until Saturday 31st August 2024. The deadline for the receipt of entries is 22.00hrs (10pm) on 31st August 2024.
  3. There are2entry classes:
    • An Adult Class for all entrants over the age of 18 on 7th September 2024.
    • A Junior Class  open to entrants under the age of 18 on 7th September 2024. Sub classes may be added by the judges depending on the number of entries submitted.
  4. Photographs may only be entered in a single class and for single subject.  There is no limit to the number of photographs any entrant may submit.
  5. All photographs submitted must have been taken by the entrant within the last 5 years.
  6. All entries require a completed entry form submitted online  which must include the  entrant’s  name, email, and phone number together with a digital copy of their photograph. (There is an option to enter a print, but this must be in addition to any online digital entry see 8 below).
  7. Entrants under the age of 16 should have their parents’ permission to enter.
  8. Photographs submitted online will be printed for judging and display by St Mary’s Church in a 10” x 8” format. If an entrant wishes to submit a print for judging and display it must be similarly sized.
  9. The winner will be announced on the morning of the St Mary’s Fête on 7th September 2024. All entries will be displayed during the fête and in the church for the remainder of September.
  10. All entries will be published on the church website and may be selected for publication in Focal Point and may eb reused in the future.
  11. The competition will be independently judged.  The judge’s decision is final.