It’s Christian Aid Week

This week is Christian Aid Week.

If you live in Bitton, Beach, Upton Cheyney, Willsbridge or Swineford, you should be getting a donation envelope through your door.

This year’s appeal focuses on Esther and Jen and the miracle crop of Malawi, Pigeon Peas.  Never heard of them?  Well, when other crops fail, deep roots make pigeon peas drought resistant and a wonderful alternative to expensive imported wheat. Dried peas can be ground into flour to make delicious bread.

Ester and Jen are members of a co-operative in Malawi. Supported by Christian Aid’s partner, the Nandolo Farmers’ Association.  The group has learnt how to market their crop and avoid unscrupulous traders.  They have bought an oven and are doing well.  The money they raise selling their pigeon pea bread rolls pays for education and training for their children and grandchildren.  Our gifts help give independence and prosperity Jen and Esther – and other similar groups.

Please help this  and other work undertaken by Christian Aid by donating this week.  You can do so in the following ways:

  • Envelopes – put money or cheques in the envelope.  Most will be collected, but some will have a drop-in collection point for you to deliver your donation.  The address will be on the envelope.
  • No cash?  Don’t worry – we now have a Bitton Christian Aid electronic envelope: which you can access here.
  • Lost your envelope?  –Your collector will have a spare – though we’d rather you had it ready for us when we call back.
  • Wondering how else you can help? – We’d love to have some more collectors in the team.  (And it’s a great way to see people’s gardens at a beautiful time of year.)  If you could help please ring me on 0117 9324696.

Please give generously – and please take the time to increase your donation by filling in the gift aid form on the envelopes.

You can learn more about Jen’s story on the Christian Aid website.