Bitton Church Fête 2024

A big thank you to all who turned out and helped at the  church fête.  After a run of dry summers, the unsettled summer weather of 2024 meant it was likely that this would be a wet year.  But fortunately, the train held off for most of the afternoon – just a few drops towards the end – which meant we had a great time on then field as well as in  the church and Church Farm garden where, once again, there were some delicious cream teas on offer.

The fête was officially opened by local celebrity and Daily Mail columnist, Bel Mooney. On the field a large crowd were able to enjoy the wide range of stalls and an expanded range of food including some delicious pizzas cooked to order.

Taking us back to the ancient origins of the festivities was a former vicar – Henry Ellacombe- played by another former vicar, Paul Denyer.  He took us back to the Holme Mead revels and the tradition of shooting the meads.

And of course, the day could not end properly without the Great Bitton Egg Throwing Competition.

The weather undoubtedly affected turnout and therefore takings, but over £9000 was raised towards church funds.

See you again  next year on Saturday 6th September 2025

Scenes from the 2024 Fête

(Slide images right or left on pc)

Egg Throwing Competition 19
Photography Competition entries were on display in the church
Classic Cars - MG
Foodstation 3
Egg Throwing Competition 24
Bitton Baker of the Year Competition - Junior Winner
Opening by Bel Mooney1
Egg Throwing Competition 23
Egg Throwing 3
Egg Throwing Competition 28
Egg Throwing Competition 25
Egg Throwing Competition 20
Egg Throwing Competition 22
Nearly Nu Clothing Stall
Bookstall 2
Egg Throwing Competition 1
Egg Throwing Competition 15
Egg Throwing Competition 17
Egg Throwing Competition 7
Opening by Bel Mooney 2
Bookstall 3
The Children's Tent
Skittles 2
Skittles 1 run by the St Mary's Scouts
The tee canopy
White Elephant Stall
Egg Throwing Competition 29
Food Station 2
Not really the day for an ice cream
Egg Throwing Competition 10
Egg Throwing Competition 27
History Group
Egg Throwing Competition 9
Ping or Pong
Teas 1
Egg Throwing Competition 28 -With a Pint
Egg Throwing Competition 4
Teas in the church were served with a musical accompaniment
Egg Throwing Competition 6
The Longbowmen
Bitton Baker of the Year - the judging
North Arena
Egg Throwing Competition 26
Bitton Baker of he Year adult winnner
Egg Throwing Competition 2
Egg Throwing Competition 8
The tea Team (Photo courtesy Stacey Howell)
The event was enjoyed by all ages
Bottle Stall
Egg Throwing Competition 14
Egg Throwing Competition 16
The Raffle
Egg Throwing Competition 5
Dog Show run by Highcroft Vets 1
Egg Throwing Competition 11
Food Station
Egg Throwing Competition 13
Egg Throwing Competition 12
Pedestrian Entrance
The Pimms Tent
Bookstall 1
Egg Throwing Competition 18
Egg Throwing Competition 21
The event was well attended - despite the weather